Friday, April 5, 2013

Upcoming Goals: A New Adventure

I guess you could say I'm goal-oriented. I love having a target, something to fight for; something that makes me feel great to either complete or achieve. I truly believe it's why I've held on for so long with my weightloss journey, setting a new goal each time I reach another. I've kept pushing through, whether the good, bad, or ugly. I'm a fighter when it's something I'm passionate for.

If you happen to follow me on Twitter, you may notice that I'm a huge sports fan, notably any form of racing (as long as it has an engine, wheels, and it's raced). I'm also a fan of baseball, football, and some basketball, but my second love is hockey. Living in Indiana though, it's not exactly popular. We are the racing/basketball state, after all.

Hockey is something that is sort of new to me. I watched a bit of it back in high school of the Nashville Predators, but never really got heavily into it until a few years ago. I tended to focus more on what was going on on a track, rather than on ice while in high school and college. In my re-discovered love for the sport, I've taken to the Washington Capitals. I'm a fan of a certain player (that you'll notice my love for on Twitter too...), I love the team, I think it's a great organization. I'm definitely a fan! I even hope some day to travel to D.C. or Pittsburgh to see them play. But when it comes to the sport, I don't exactly know enough to hold my own in a conversation. Well, enough to get me in trouble. I try. Usually I just sound stupid, but I try, however I enjoy sitting back and listening to others talk about it. Kind of absorb in the background, if you will.

Since being in Indiana, and hockey not exactly being a favorite among Hoosiers, I've sought out local-ish teams to get my fill of live games. Where I live, however, it's The Sticks. BFE. Podunk. Naturally, I have to travel at least an hour to get to the nearest rink, if it's not cold enough for a frozen pond in the Winter. It's kind of fun though, weather dependent, because I can support local-ish teams or organizations. This past season, my husband and I have gone to Dayton, Oxford (for Miami!), and Indianapolis for games, all being super fun! Live hockey is the best hockey, in my opinion.

In traveling to these games, and getting my fill of live hockey (though it's never enough), I've kind of felt like I want to learn how to skate, how to play the game, whenever I leave an arena. It'd give me a MUCH better understanding than where I am now, and with dropping weight that I have, I can move about easier, while toning and eventually becoming somewhat "athletic." (In theory.) Skating and playing hockey can be an amazing workout! (I smelled the boys on the bench in Indy, my seats were that close. They. Sweat.)

In researching where I can take lessons, the usuals crop up: Indy, Oxford, maybe Fort Wayne. All have fantastic programs from what I can tell, however summer isn't exactly hockey season, not in Indiana anyway. They do have leagues for those who do skate or play, but usually beginner lessons are offered in the winter (duh), however with my school schedule, I'm searching for something during my break and/or on Saturdays, due to work and having to travel so far.

So that's my goal this summer: I want to learn to skate! I've skated before, however not gracefully, but with practice and determination, anything can be achieved.

I'll keep you posted!

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

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