Saturday, June 8, 2013

An Unexpected "Workout"

Small town, Indiana is pretty much as you'd stereotype, at least to me. I used to hate the fact I was from a small town; growing up among corn, everyone knows everyone, etc. By senior year in high school, I was so ready to go off to college, I literally counted down the days from the start of school that year until graduation. I couldn't wait to "get out of dodge."

One right of passage some take, including me, is crossing the state line to head to the local country bar, about a half hour away from where I lived. It's open to anyone 16 years or older (of course 21 to drink; we're not THAT country), but it was always about getting a group of friends together to laugh, dance, and hang out. I met several new friends there during high school and college (including my now-husband, although I hate admitting THAT'S where I met him), all the while getting to know better the friends I already had, too.

Admittedly, it's been a LONG while since I've darkened the doorstep of this place, but after some asking around, we were able to round up a group of some friends to go. For me, it'd been a bit of a week of highs and lows; new adventures, old stresses. I just wanted to go out, have fun, let loose a little, and dance some cares away. (Must be why I love Zumba classes so much!)

Earlier in the day, I had already completed the final run of Week 3's #C25K, and I usually don't see line-dancing (or dancing in general; again, I'm looking at you Zumba) as a workout; especially if the "workout" is fun, or something I love!

I can't really even begin to tell you how much I sweat that night dancing (it's gross), but that at the end of the night, I felt great. (MUCH better.) And to top it off, I actually remembered a LOT more dances than I thought I would have. In the end, I usually wind up with sore legs for days, however so far, so good. We'll see about tomorrow though... ;)

Working out can certainly be a lot of fun when finding doing things you enjoy, and you're certainly more apt to stick with being active or a certain activity if you're having fun. (It's why I've been so incredibly hesitant with C25K runs, but so far, so good as I've described in previous posts.)

So if you're interested in becoming "active," moving more, or working out, I encourage you to find something you enjoy to do, something fun, whether by yourself or with friends. I love taking walks, riding a bike, running/jogging, Zumba, line dancing, among several others, however to me, most I don't really view as working out anymore. They're fun!

Any activity, no matter how small you start, is a step in the right direction! No matter what you choose, you have the tools to help yourself, and even one small step is better than none!

Get out there. Have fun!

(Coming soon: a new adventure! As described before, I finally found summer skating lessons nearby, which start June 21st! I'm signing up this week, so stay tuned...)

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